
Gucci documentary designed exclusively for Apple Vision Pro will be released on April 3, 2024

Today, Gucci announced an immersive version of “Who is Sabato De Sarno? A Gucci Story,” will be exclusively available through the Gucci App for Apple Vision Pro (AVP) starting April 3.

In a post on LinkedIn, Micael Barilaro, Gucci VP Brand Innovation Ventures, shared, “By prioritizing curated experiences over conventional e-commerce paradigms, we are trying to redefine the boundaries of storytelling and brand interaction.” Barilaro also teased how the ‘augmented edition’ of the documentary “empowers viewers to transform their space and immerse themselves in the beauty and artistry of Gucci Ancora while interacting with 3D elements.”

I anticipate the adapted version of the documentary will have Augmented Reality (AR) 3D files to interact with and explore in your physical space — an example of an AR 3D USDZ file I created for Louis Vuitton is seen below in a screen recording captured on my AVP.

Jing Daily recently featured me as an expert voice on AVP and the opportunity for luxury brands (the article is also pictured in the Instagram Reel below on AVP). AVP has a unique offering with the ability to dial reality up and down, ranging from fully immersive environments to being able to interact with digital objects in your physical space. This gives brands a broad playground to explore, and is something I’m currently advising my luxury clients on how they can best create experiences for their customers.

Video: Helen Papagiannis interacting with a Louis Vuitton 3D Augmented Reality USDZ file she created. Also pictured is a Jing Daily article she was featured in. All captured on Apple Vision Pro.

I serve as a trusted guide for luxury brands navigating Spatial Computing experiences on AVP and how they can create new sensorially rich and immersive story spaces that captivate, inspire, and inform beyond traditional media. Boston Consulting Group released a report last year stating, “The #1 reason for the New Luxury consumer to follow a brand is to live in the universe they have created.” Storytelling in AR and Spatial Computing has been my speciality for nearly two decades including being featured by Louis Vuitton as a “Global Visionary” in their Louis 200 bicentennial. These new modes of creative expression (which was also the subject of my practice-based Ph.D.), invite your customers to live and feel the brand in ways not otherwise possible in a deeply engaging and memorable way.

Get in touch to learn more about how to bring your brand into Spatial Computing today.

*Update: Read my full review of an exclusive preview of the Gucci experience on Apple Vision Pro here.