Helen Papagiannis

Matty Bovan

Helen Papagiannis
Matty Bovan

British fashion designer Matty Bovan brings the sci-fi to London Fashion Week with face distorting lenses on the runway.

Models at Matty Bovan’s Spring/Summer 2020 Collection wore clear rectangular lenses on their heads, which enlarged and contorted the models’ facial features and further emphasized exaggerated eyeliner strokes.

The magnifying masks, designed by London Milliner Stephen Jones, created a digital screen like effect using analog materials (acetate). The models’ heads looked somewhat collaged onto their bodies, resembling a Surrealist exquisite corpse and AR face filter.

Matty Bovan SS20. Photo: Alessandro Lucioni / Gorunway.com

Matty Bovan SS20. Photo: Alessandro Lucioni / Gorunway.com

Matty Bovan SS20. Photo: Alessandro Lucioni / Gorunway.com

Matty Bovan SS20. Photo: Alessandro Lucioni / Gorunway.com

“I had a meeting with Stephen and he had the idea to make these masks that look like big lenses sitting on the face,” Bovan told Vogue. “He said he’d always wanted to do something like it!”

I’ve previously highlighted Stephen Jones’ artistry on Instagram, looking to his work for inspiration on haute couture AR VR headsets. It would be a dream project to work with Jones imagining the future of digital eyewear.

It is high time the XR industry take cues from the fashion world and look beyond our at times narrow perspective. Matty Bovan and Stephen Jones give us a fresh pair of eyes in bending 20/20 vision for Spring/Summer 2020.